Bags of fun : 71 pièces très faciles pour les tout-petits

Auteur COHEN Mary

Violoncelle méthodes - études

Illustration de Bags of fun : 71 pièces très faciles pour les tout-petits
Éditeur Faber Music
Réf. éditeur FAB0571536018
ISMN/ISBN 9780571536016
Réf. DIAM 198887
Niveau de difficulté niveau 1 (sur 5)

Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Violoncelle méth COHEN Mary Eeny, meeny, miney, mo...
2    " "    " " ...Archie tripped and strubbed his toe
3    " "    " " ...dropped his sweets and banged his knee...
4    " "    " " ...groanded a bit, went home for tea...
5    " "    " " ...crispy choc'late crunch - yummy !
6    " "    " " Alligators meet for lunch -crunch, crunch, crunch !
7    " "    " " Dragons can be dangerous (and very hot!)
8    " "    " " Great...big...grizzly bears
9    " "    " " Crocodile get hungry
10    " "    " " Slimy slug trails
11    " "    " " Creaky, creaky door
12    " "    " " Skeletons chitter chatter
13    " "    " " Four snails, lining up for a race
14    " "    " " Where's that hamster ?
15    " "    " " Hula hoops
16    " "    " " Oh no ! It's a fire-breathing monster !
17    " "    " " Growl, growl, growl went the ...
18    " "    " " Eek it's a...
19    " "    " " Next door's dog is burying a bone
20    " "    " " Don't fall into the hole
21    " "    " " Lots of creepy crawlies going for a jog
22    " "    " " Energetic elephants down at the gym
23    " "    " " Seagulls gliding over the cliffs
24    " "    " " Goldfish swimming past the ruined castle
25    " "    " " Frogs having a high jump competition
26    " "    " " Fizzy, fizzy POP !
27    " "    " " Hot toffee popcorn
28    " "    " " Jelly on a plate
29    " "    " " Wibble, wobble
30    " "    " " Choc'late chip ice cream
31    " "    " " Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble
32    " "    " " Twinkle, twinkle, magic star
33    " "    " " Come and see our angel fish
34    " "    " " The octopus goes trampolining
35    " "    " " Is that a donkey singing ?
36    " "    " " Two big elephants getting on a bus
37    " "    " " Elegant flamingo, balanced on one leg
38    " "    " " Alexander bumped his bike
39    " "    " " Hip, hop, Hippopotamus
40    " "    " " Jumping beans
41    " "    " " Caramel crunch
42    " "    " " Quick ! catch the guinea pig !
43    " "    " " Next door's cat is climbing up our tree
44    " "    " " One, two, three, jump !
45    " "    " " Bored ? I'm so bored, I'm asleep
46    " "    " " Watching squirrels through the window
47    " "    " " Where is the cat ?
48    " "    " " Which bit's the stick insect ? (I can't tell...)
49    " "    " " Will we ? Won't we ? Need our wellies ?
50    " "    " " Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry up - we're late !
51    " "    " " Who ate the last piece of toast ?
52    " "    " " Do I have to go to school ?
53    " "    " " Oops ! I've lost my socks !
54    " "    " " These are the wrong kind of sandwiches...
55    " "    " " Look ! There's a bee in the bath !
56    " "    " " My friend's tooth fell out at school
57    " "    " " That's not fair !
58    " "    " " Race you, race you round the park
59    " "    " " Ugh... What's that ?
60    " "    " " Are you going to the shops ?
61    " "    " " There's a hole in the sole of my wellie
62    " "    " " Three and a half pair of socks
63    " "    " " Did you look under the sofa ?
64    " "    " " Have you fed the cat ?
65    " "    " " Have you fed the guinea pigs ?
66    " "    " " Can I have my friends to stay ?
67    " "    " " I'd like a cat for my birthday , please !
68    " "    " " Mountain biking
69    " "    " " Building a tree-house
70    " "    " " Messing about in my cousin's garden