The Sheet music collection (P/V/G)

Auteur HARRIS Calvin

Partitions Songbooks variété internationale

Illustration de The Sheet music collection (P/V/G)
Éditeur Hal Leonard
Réf. éditeur HL00291021
ISMN/ISBN 9781540048103
Réf. DIAM 252632

Détail du recueil

Catégorie Auteur Description
1 Songbook Etrang. HARRIS Calvin Blame
2    " "    " " Bounce
3    " "    " " Drinking from the bottle
4    " "    " " Feel so close
5    " "    " " Feels
6    " "    " " Giant
7    " "    " " Heatstroke
8    " "    " " How deep is your love
9    " "    " " I need your love
10    " "    " " I'm not alone
11    " "    " " Let's go
12    " "    " " My Way
13    " "    " " One kiss
14    " "    " " Outside
15    " "    " " Promises
16    " "    " " Ready for the weekend
17    " "    " " Slide
18    " "    " " Summer
19    " "    " " Sweet nothing
20    " "    " " This is what you came for
21    " "    " " Under control
22    " "    " " We'Ll be coming back